Young Avengers Patriot Minimate

Young Avengers Patriot Minimate
Elijah Bradley, the Black Cap America's grand son, is the leader of the Young Avengers and is going by the name Patriot. Originally being on M.G.H. (Mutant Growth Hormone) to gain super powers, he now got some droplets of Super Soldier Serum from gramps, so he's a real decent super guy. Customizer Psyguy's is currently working on the team and did a great Young Avengers Patriot Minimate in his current uniform. It's very simple and pure, but uses great decal designs to match the character's appearance. You can have a closer look and read about the recipe after the jump.


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Bob is having a closer look at custom minimate creations by customizers from all over the interwebs. Marvel, DC, Indie Comics, Cartoons, TV-Series, Movies, Video Games. You name it. Oh, and he's a customizer himself. Here's all his stuff.